Speaking of which, school is causing me some grief these days. I'll be starting my fourth year next semester and I know that I'll be wanting to go to grad school for history the year after. Unfortunately, I might be stuck because generally people study the history of the language that they speak. Since I was too stupid to realize this and decided to learn hən'q'əmin'əm' (Coastal Salish), I might be suck going into Canadian history instead of Asian History or the Histroy of Science and Technology/Medicine.
To make my predicament worse, those who apply for a masters degree with a concentration of Canadian history are expected to know French. In short, I hate French Canadian History and the French Language. It is not that French Canadian History is more boring or whiny than any other history, it is that the current study of it is more biased than any other history that I've ever come into contact with except for Indigenous history. I can deal with Indigenous bias - because Canada's Indigenous peoples got the short end of the stick when it came to the loss of their cultures and their land. French Canadian History - the main bias is cruel and unnecessary in PanCanadian culture. It stands on the basis that English Canada should compensate French Canada for four hundred years of oppression and meanwhile states that French Canadian-ness should be common all over Canada even when many French Canadians refuse to move out of Quebec. Basically, French Canadian History is anti-English Canadian. UGH U____U"
To get out of this predicament what I was thinking of doing is teaching in China for a couple of years before applying to Grad school. That way, while I'm there I could learn mandarin to a good enough conversational degree to get tested, whilst doing a study of Ancient Chinese Medicine in any spare time that I might have. ---- The problem with this is that my family would probably flip its lid seeing its only female child dash out into the big ol' world with eyes full of wonder and naivety.
Alternatively, I could go into an MA with a concentration in the History of Science and Technology, or Medicine. To do this in British Columbia I would have to get amazing marks this and next year, otherwise I'd have to go to Ontario.
If worse comes to worse I'll end up doing my MA in a prairie province or even up north. But i'm gonna stick it out in History, fighting to make my mark, no matter what.
For now, here's a sketch of my worried dad. Sometimes he seems more worried about my future than I am.

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